About Us

The family Neri is proud about the restouration of this old far into a Holiday Centre to make you feel the perfect atmosphere for your holidays.
Patrizia: is the “C.U.L.B.” chief and takes care about all the activities concernine tourism and about all the properties of the family.
Romeo: is architect, seaman, mason and farner in his spare time

Orlando: has a shop in the castle of Vinci: he likes projecting materials made by paper and he sells it in his shop.

Chiara: Orlando’s wife, is a lawyer and she works with her father.

Curzio (6 y.o) and Ruffo (2 y.o): are Orlando’s and Chiara’s sons.

Leonardo: works in his father’s architecture office and he takes care about the activities concerning tourism of his family.

Sara: Leonardo’s wife, is a psychologist and psychotherapist and she does the profession.
Anna (1 y.o): is Leonardo’s and Sara’s daughter.

Grandpa Gino 94 years of cultivating the olive grove owned and is married to Grandma Vera is famous for its sauce.
We have three cats, rabbits, chickens, hens and two goats.